Monday, June 7, 2010

Find Hair Loss Help through Homeopathy, Aromatherapy and Folk Remedies

(NaturalNews) Natural cures for hair loss have been around for centuries and are generally very effective. Conventional treatments for alopecia include topical steroids and synthetic substances which have damaging side effects. Try age-old natural treatments instead to prevent thinning and to stimulate hair growth.

Chinese Herbal Remedies

Hair loss is attributed to liver and kidney problems. Specific herbs to rectify this problem include wolfberry (goji berry), mulberry and fleece flower root.

Ginkgo biloba, fo-ti and dong quai are Chinese herbs said to be useful in the treatment of hair loss.

Traditional Home Folk Remedies for Hair Loss

Sage tea, drunk and applied externally, stimulates hair growth. Nettle tea cleanses the system and encourages re-growth. Since hair loss is often the result of poor nutrition, try this healthy and nourishing nettle soup recipe:


2 cups of young nettle tops
2 potatoes, diced
1 carrot, diced
1 small onion

Method: Boil vegetables until the potatoes are soft. Blend and season to taste.

Aromatherapy for Hair Loss

Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts from the flowers, leaves, bark and roots of various plants. Blend a few drops of rosemary, lavender, grapefruit, cedarwood, lemon or ylang ylang into a carrier oil, such as grapeseed or jojoba oil. Massage into the scalp and leave for at least 5 minutes before rinsing out.

For sensitive skin, use only a few drops of lemon or grapefruit oil, as these oils may be slightly irritating.

Homeopathy for Hair Loss

Visit a qualified homeopath for a professional consultation, as each case varies considerably.

Selenium is often used by homeopaths to treat a painful scalp and loss of hair.

A homeopath may prescribe lycopodium in the case of hair loss after childbirth, and sepia for hair loss related to the menopause or childbirth.

Other treatments a homeopath may prescribe include aurum (for hair loss and boils on the scalp), phosphoric acid (for hair loss relating to grief and/or exhaustion) and arnica (for hair loss after an injury).

Good Nutrition

Cut down on alcohol, fast foods, a nutritionally deficient junk food diet, sugar and caffeine. A natural, healthy diet that includes good fats, protein, whole grains, vitamins and minerals can help to prevent hair loss, thinning hair and balding.

Naturally Prevent and Remove Dangerous Arterial Plaque

(NaturalNews) The arteries are major blood vessels that the heart uses to pump blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Over time, arterial walls can become congested with a fatty substance known as plaque. When this happens to a severe point, the arteries may begin to harden and the blood flow can become compromised and ultimately result in a heart attack. Mainstream medicine's approach for treating plaque is to use drugs or surgery. However, there are natural ways to prevent and remove plaque.

As is the case when addressing many health concerns, exercise and diet can play major roles in avoiding and reducing plaque. Exercise is already known for many benefits to the body such as reducing risk factors for disease, better mental function, and weight control. Exercise can also improve your circulation which can help reduce plaque. According to the Mayo Clinic, you can do this by getting 30 to 60 minutes of exercise on most days of the week.

When it comes to diet, what you avoid is equally important as what you eat. Many foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol can cause plaque to build up. Some examples include deep fried foods, foods that are high in trans fats, refined foods, and processed foods. Alcohol should also be avoided and red meat should be eaten in small portions.

Foods that are nutrient dense, high in fiber, low in sodium and low in saturated fat help avoid and reduce arterial plaque. Fiber helps block the intestinal absorption of cholesterol. It also makes you feel full longer which can result in less overall calorie consumption. Some examples of fiber-rich foods include whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that the body cannot make on its own. They can be found in supplements and also in foods like cold water fish, walnuts, flax seeds and healthy oils such as olive oil. Fish oil supplements can lower blood pressure and reduce arterial plaque and they also lower triglycerides.

Niacin raises HDL, which is known as "good cholesterol". HDL cholesterol removes bad LDL cholesterol and arterial plaque. According to the FDA, "Niacin is the best agent known to raise blood levels of HDL, which helps remove cholesterol deposits from the artery walls." Naturally the FDA removed this quote from their website.

Vitamin C is crucial in repair and healing of the endothelial layer of cells inside of coronary and carotid arteries. When this layer is not maintained properly by the body, it can become the site for lesions that begin the process of atherosclerosis.

Coenzyme Q10 strengthens arteries and veins and cleans out accumulated plaque.

Digestive enzymes help break down the food our body does not digest. When taken on an empty stomach, they enter the bloodstream intact. As they circulate, they remove toxins and break down the fats responsible for plaque formation. Digestive enzymes in supplements and raw foods help prevent heart disease.

Serrapeptase is a particularly potent digestive enzyme when it comes to dissolving arterial plaque. It has the unique ability to digest non-living tissue that is a by-product of the healing response without harming living tissue. Serrapeptase is used to dissolve non-living tissues to include: scar tissue, fibrosis, blood clots, cysts and arterial plaque.

Some herbal remedies can also help fight plaque by improving circulation, reducing blood clots, lowering cholesterol and reducing stress. The herb hawthorn helps remove plaque blockages by widening blood vessels. Horsetail is rich in silica and can aid removal of plaque by strengthening artery walls.

Other helpful herbs include ashwagandha, ginger, garlic and guggul.

Sources included:

Three Homeopathic Treatments Help Acid Reflux Symptoms and GERD

(NaturalNews) Acid reflux is characterized by pain and burning in the esophagus as a result of food and stomach acids backing up in to the esophagus damaging its lining. Homeopathic medicines work to relieve gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD symptoms by initiating the body's innate response to a stimulus or to an irritation allowing the body to heal itself. Homeopathy offers a selection of remedies to relieve symptoms of acid reflux and GERD.

Nux Vomica: The Penultimate Acid Reflux Treatment

According to acclaimed homeopath William Boericke, in his "Materia Medica and Repertory", Nux Vomica helps relieve acid reflux symptoms when there are stomach pains of all types, including burning, bloating, flatulence, constipation, nausea and belching from overeating or eating hot and spicy foods. There may be body aches of all kinds and feelings of weakness. The person needing Nux Vomica is generally perceived as a workaholic or one who indulges his or her appetite for excesses in all things. The patient tends to be dictatorial, bossy, impatient and aggressive.

Arsenicum Album: GERD Symptoms Caused by Spoiled Food or Food Poisoning

Boericke points out if the person has severe burning pains from acid in the stomach with food backing up into the esophagus accompanied by burning pain all the way up to the throat, arsenicum will help. There may be severe, watery, burning, yellow diarrhea with terrible burning in the rectum and anus. Most pains are better after drinking hot drinks like tea or applying warm applications to the painful abdomen. The person needing arsenicum may be thirsty for continual sips of cool water, restless, anxious and fearful. Arsenicum is often the ideal remedy for treating acid reflux symptoms and other abdominal pain due to ingesting spoiled food resulting in food poisoning.

Pulsatilla: Relief from Reflux Symptoms and GERD with Weeping

Pulsatilla relieves acid reflux pains that feel like digestive acid is burning a hole in the lining of the stomach. The patient may experience much flatulence at the same time from putrefaction emitting gasses. Pulsatilla helps relieve acid reflux symptoms when the person feels over-stuffed after eating and wants to loosen the belt for relief after a meal. Pulsatilla is indicated for GERD symptoms when the patient is weepy, desires company and abhors being left alone. It is prescribed more commonly for women than men. The person is not thirsty, often feels warm and prefers open, cool air or going outside.

Additional homeopathic remedies are available that relieve a variety of GERD symptoms or prevent the causes of acid reflux. The three mentioned here are the most common and are effective in a majority of cases. Consult with a qualified homeopath for additional recommendations if needed to relieve reflux symptoms. Following an acid reflux diet may help prevent the majority of symptoms associated with GERD.


"Materia Medica and Repertory", William Boericke, 1987 Indian edition

"Synoptic Materia Medica", Frans Vermeulen, 1992

"Desktop Guide", Roger Morrison, M.D., 1992

"Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines", Stephen Cummings, F.N.P. and Dana Ullman, M.P.H. 1984

"How to Plan an Acid Reflux Diet Menu"

LifeSource whole-house water filtration systems are a top pick in water purification

(NaturalNews) Most people in industrialized countries today live in urban or suburban areas that are served by municipal water systems. These systems, which are questionable in purification quality to begin with, add chemical carcinogens like chlorine and fluoride to water that are harmful to health. People absorb these chemicals every day when they wash their hands, take a shower, wash their clothes and drink municipal tap water. LifeSource, a unique whole-house water filtration system, addresses the problems of tap water with an effective, efficient and inexpensive technology that is unmatched in its class.

There are all kinds of water filters on the market, from simple, plastic drinking-water pitchers to industrial entry-point systems for use in homes and businesses. They range in quality and effectiveness and many fail to effectively remove harmful contaminants, especially from the entire house. The good ones are usually pricey and require frequent filter replacements, turning some people off to the idea of going through all the hassle.

Those who have decided to take the plunge and purchase a whole-house water filter usually choose either a water softener or a reverse osmosis system. With a water softener, harsh chemical additives are added to water to give it a soft feel, but what many people do not realize is that the slick feeling of softened water is actually not moisturizing or natural, and can dry out skin in the same way that chlorinated tap water does. Water softeners also require frequent salt replacement as well as an additional system, like reverse osmosis, to purify the softened water and making drinking water. Together, these systems require a hefty investment, not to mention the fact that the chemicals used in water softeners are known for corroding pipes. Some communities have outright banned water softeners because of the harm they cause!

Reverse osmosis systems, while highly effective at completely purifying water, are expensive and remove all the good elements of water, like calcium, potassium and magnesium, along with the bad elements. People who use reverse osmosis systems and are aware of this fact will sometimes add additional filters that "remineralize" the water, adding to the already steep cost of reverse osmosis systems. Reverse osmosis technology also wastes a lot of water in the process of making its finished product, in some cases using up to 10 gallons of water to make one gallon of purified water.

LifeSource technology, on the other hand, is a fraction of the cost of these other filtration systems and I believe it is superior to both. Not only is LifeSource water naturally purified and gently softened through its natural activated carbon filter, but the beneficial elements present in the water are maintained. It is the best of both worlds!

The amazing filter inside the standard LifeSource unit can last up to 25 years without having to be replaced, and it does not contaminate water, corrode pipes or waste excess amounts of water during filtration. And unlike water softeners, the backwash water that is produced by LifeSource units is safe and can actually be used to water a lawn or garden. The unit uses no chemicals, salts or magnets – just a simple, granular activated carbon filter to deliver delicious, nutrient-rich, purified water.

In addition to removing a whole host of chemicals like chlorine, activated carbon will even eliminate roughly 40 percent of fluoride from water. Besides reverse osmosis, few water filter technologies are capable of removing fluoride. And if 40 percent is not enough, LifeSource also makes an additional unit to go with its primary one that will remove all fluoride from water.

LifeSource water is delicious, pure and very affordable. The annual Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena actually uses LifeSource water for its float roses to help them live longer. It effectively helps them to live about twice as long as they otherwise would on contaminated tap water!

LifeSource is arguably the single best whole-house water filtration system on the market in terms of water quality, affordability and durability. Its heavy-duty, industrial steel tanks can be easily installed either indoors or outdoors and they come in various sizes for different applications. A tank can also be moved fairly easily to a new house in the event of a move, so you do not need to worry about making the investment only to have to leave it behind.

If you are concerned about the quality and safety of the water coming into your home and are in the market for a whole-house water filtration system, I would definitely recommend LifeSource.

For more information about LifeSource, please visit

Western diet promotes depression in women

(NaturalNews) Women who eat a typical Western diet high in junk food may increase their risk of suffering from mood disorders such as depression, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Melbourne and published in the American Journal of Psychiatry.

Researchers gathered psychiatric evaluations of 925 women between the ages of 20 to 93 over the course of ten years, then compared them to data collected on the participants' diets. They found that women who ate a diet high in white bread, hamburgers, pizza, chips, beer, flavored dairy beverages and sugary foods were 50 percent more likely to suffer from depression or anxiety than women who did not eat such a diet.

In contrast, women who ate what the researchers classified as a traditional Australian diet, high in vegetables, fruit, beef, lamb, fish and whole grains, were 30 percent less likely to suffer from mood disorders than women who did not follow the Australian diet.

The connections between the diets and the risk of mood disorders remained strong even after researchers adjusted for potential confounding factors such as education, age, socioeconomic status, weight, physical activity, and alcohol and tobacco consumption.

Initially, the researchers found a lowered risk of mood disorders in women who consumed large quantities of salads, fruits, fish, tofu, beans, nuts, yogurt and red wine, but this association disappeared after they adjusted for confounding factors.

Although cautioning that there is no such thing as a "magic diet," researcher Felice Jacka noted that the evidence suggests that a healthy diet reduces your risk of mood disorders as well as improving your physical health.

Another recent study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, found that among 3,486 middle-aged women and men, those who ate a diet primarily composed of vegetables, fruits and fish were significantly less likely to be depressed than those who primarily ate refined ("white") grains, processed meats, fried food, sweetened desserts and high-fat dairy products.

Sources for this story include:

Home Remedies with Garlic Quickly Relieve Ear Aches and Ear Infections

(NaturalNews) Troublesome ear aches and ear infections can usually be relieved in short order with home remedies which include garlic. Garlic has a natural antibiotic called allicin and it is an essential ingredient in some of the most effective home remedies for ear infections and ear aches. Garlic can also be used alone and it can be taken orally to speed the recovery from ear and other infections.

One way to obtain garlic oil is to simply take garlic gel capsules and pierce the capsules to get the garlic oil out. You can also use the juice from freshly minced or crushed garlic and you can make your own fresh garlic based oil as follows:

Cut up three or four cloves of garlic. Place the garlic in a double boiler and cover with an inch of olive oil. Cover the pot, and warm the oil gently over low heat for one hour. Strain the oil through a piece of cheesecloth, and store it in a covered glass jar in the refrigerator.

One extremely effective remedy for ear aches and ear infections can be found in the combination of garlic, colloidal silver, tea tree oil, olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Mix together three drops of tea tree oil with two tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of colloidal silver and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Warm the mixture slightly and then lie on your side with your head on a towel (or paper towels) with the infected or aching ear facing up. Use an eyedropper to draw up the mixture and then slowly fill your ear to near the top. Continue to lie on your side for several minutes; then, take the towel, hold it to your ear, lie on your other side and let the mixture drain out of your ear onto the towel or paper towels. Repeat two to four times daily. You should experience immediate relief and complete resolution within 24-48 hours. Note: If you do not have all of the ingredients, any combination of the ingredients will likely be successful. Also, oil of oregano can be substituted for the tea tree oil.

You can also ease the pain and pressure of an ear infection with a blend of mullein (Verbascum densiflorum) and garlic infused oils. These oils kill pain and fight bacteria. Another garlic based remedy combination calls for garlic, apple cider vinegar and honey. Still another garlic remedy can be made by combining garlic oil or juice in combination with an extraction of juice from mango leaves. Mango leaf extract can also be used separately as a remedy for earaches and ear infections.


Any remedy placed inside the ear should be warmed to a comfortable temperature first. One way to warm an ear remedy is to place a glass bottle containing the remedy mixture in a pan of hot water until it is comfortably warm. Alternatively, one can run hot water from the faucet over the bottle until the desired temperature is reached. Another warming method is to heat a small amount of the mixture in a steel or silver spoon over an open flame. A fourth method is to place a bottle with the mixture in your armpit for a few minutes.

People that get a lot of ear infections might actually be allergic to dairy products, egg whites, wheat, peanuts or soy. Or, their intake of fatty foods may be too high.

If you suspect a punctured or ruptured eardrum do not use home remedies. Instead see a qualified medical professional.

Sources included:

Breast cancer cells destroyed by peach and plum extracts

(NaturalNews) Even the most aggressive types of breast cancer cells couldn't stand up to treatments with peach and plum extracts. That's the outcome of a natural fruit-derived treatment tested in the Texas AgriLife Research Lab which resulted in cancer cells dying while normal cells were not harmed at all.

"It was a differential effect which is what you're looking for because in current cancer treatment with chemotherapy, the substance kills all cells, so it is really tough on the body," Dr. David Byrne, an AgriLife Research plant breeder and scientist, said in a press statement. "Here, there is a five-fold difference in the toxic intensity. You can put it at a level where it will kill the cancer cells -- the very aggressive ones -- and not the normal ones."

So what could be in peaches and plums (fruits known as "stone" fruits because of their large, stone-like seeds) that zaps even the most deadly breast cancer cells? In their study, which was published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry , Dr. Byrne and fellow AgriLife food scientist Dr. Luis Cisneros-Zevallos concluded two phenolic compounds were responsible for the cancer cell deaths.

Phenols are organic compounds that occur in fruits. Slightly acidic, phenols are associated with the color, smell and taste of specific fruits. In a statement to the media, Dr. Cisneros-Zevallos explained that two specific phenolic acid components -- known as chlorogenic and neochlorogenic compounds -- were responsible for killing the breast cancer cells in the AgriLife study. Although very common in fruits, stone fruits such as plums and peaches are especially rich in these types of phenols.

In addition to their successful research showing the stone fruit phenols killed breast cancer cells, the research team also found that animal studies provided even more evidence that the fruit extracts have power anti-cancer properties. The compounds prevented cancer from growing in animals given the fruit treatments.

As NaturalNews has reported, researchers are zeroing in on how a host of phytonutrients in foods are potent breast cancer fighters. For example, University of Michigan (U-M) Comprehensive Cancer Center scientists recently discovered that a natural component of broccoli and broccoli sprouts has the remarkable ability to target cancer stem cells -- the specific cells responsible for fueling the growth of cancerous breast tumors ( In addition, University of Missouri scientists have found that curcumin, a popular Indian spice derived from the turmeric root, could reduce the risk of breast cancer risk in women exposed to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) (