Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You Can Get Healthy Skin Naturally

Skip the big commercial skin care junk across the board and focus on natural, healthy
ways to promote skin health.
Antioxidants represent your first and best line of defense against all forms of skin
damage, from age-related wrinkles, sunspots, and cancer to a clear and radiant
complexion. They neutralize the action of “free radicals,” rogue molecules that bind to
healthy cells, mutate DNA, and accelerate cell death.

These are your skin’s most potent allies against free radical damage. You’ll find all of
them in supplement form in health food stores or on line:

Vitamin C: In addition to fighting the action of free radicals, vitamin C reduces
inflammation and boosts immune response. Take 500 milligrams twice per day with food.

Carotenoids: Key antioxidants that not only promote skin health, they’re great for your
eyesight and also lower your risk of lung and breast cancer. Be sure to look for “mixed
carotenoids” when you buy. Take 2,500 IU daily.

Vitamin A: This is another fat-soluble vitamin in the carotenoid family. Take 2,500 IU
per day.

Vitamin D: In addition to all the health benefits I outlined before, this is a powerful
antioxidant. Take 1,000-2,000 IEUs per day.

Vitamin E: A major ally in skin health. I use 400 IU per day in my patients. Look for
“vitamin E as mixed tocopherols” on the label. These are the organic compounds most
readily absorbed by your body.

Alpha Lipoic Acid: “The universal antioxidant,” ALA fights free radicals in both the
fatty and watery tissues of the body. It also recycles and extends the life of other
antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E. Take 100 mg per day from the alpha lipoic family.
CoQ10: A critical antioxidant every cell in your body needs to convert fuel into energy.
Take 30 mg per day, 60 mg if you’re over 60.

Look for skin care containing natural ingredients like plant-based oils (palm, coconut,
and jojoba are all great for your skin). These are rich in “phyto-nutrients,” antioxidants,
and amino acids – the basic building blocks your skin needs to regenerate, heal, and

Extract from the Aloe Vera plant soothes skin and protects against sunburn.
And, mango butter acts as an effective sun blocker without poisoning your skin.

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